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Welcome To My Exotic Frog Site

One of my P. sauvagei

Welcome to Tropical Treasures. Here are some new editions/improvements to my site:
11/23/04- I recieved 0.0.4 Mitchell's Reed Frogs (Hyperolius mitchelli) form Bill Wierts of
11/02/04- I purchased 0.1 Golden Sedge Frog (Hyperolius puncticulatus) and 0.0.2 Unknown Reed Frogs (Hyperolius virdiflavus?) from the local pet store.

If you have any suggestions or comments on my web site, feel free to e-mail me at: . I will be adding more and more photos as I get more animals and redo/improve tanks. Site created in March 2003.

If you have MSN messanger and would like to talk about frogs or other herps, add me at:
Or AIM, at 'MonkeyFrogBoy.'

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